Your Logo Here

Open the logo_include.htm file to add your own logo. This will change the logo across all pages. Make sure that your logo image is not wider than 177 pixels.

Top buttons

The top buttons are in an include for your convenience. Open "include_topbuttons.htm" to delete the buttons that you don't need. These are NOT FrontPage-generated buttons, but are specially-designed graphics.

Random Quote

Open this page in FrontPage to view instructions.

Changing Page Colors

You may change the accent color of each page very easily! Go into HTML view and you will see some lines of code near the top of the page that are "greyed out" that look something like this:

.topcolor { background-color: #564A72; color: #ffffff; font-size: 9pt; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica }
.banner { color: #564A72; font-size: 14pt; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvtica }
.color1 { background-color: #DE9641}
.color2 { background-color: #F5DFC6}
.divider { background-color: #ffffff }

These are the cascading style sheet definitions for the colors on the page. "topcolor" is the color in the top horizontal bar, "banner" uses the same color as "topcolor," "color1" is the color in the left (the "darker" color), and "color2" is a lighter version of color 1. You will need to get the hexadecimal code of the colors that you wish to use. Go to to find the great tool that we like to use for finding colors.

Copyright Info

You may edit the copyright info by opening "copyright_include.htm" and editing the text there.


Side Column

Use this side column for additional information. The divider image can be used to create "headings," while a special style allows you to have indented text and small font size.

Create more sections

The easiest way to create another section is to highlight an existing section and copy it, then replace the text with your own.


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In Sight Ventures, Inc. © 2002